Ethos Nutrition & Fitness Blog by Tyler Minton

Cheat Days Are Out. Re-Feed’s Are In.

Cheat Days Are Out. Re-Feed’s Are In.

If you've ever followed a diet, you've probably heard the term "cheat meal". In fact, you probably spent most of your diet looking forward to it. Many times, people will spend all week trudging through a calorie deficit with their full focus being on the cheeseburger...

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How to Count Alcohol in Your Macros

How to Count Alcohol in Your Macros

"Can I have a drink or two on the weekends and still lose weight?" is a question I get from clients more often than not. The truthful answer is, "yes". The most realistic answer is, "probably not". It's not that it can't be done, but rather the fact that most people...

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The Gaining Guide

The Gaining Guide

Gaining lean muscle mass can be just as difficult or harder than losing weight. "Just eat more" sounds like a simple solution to some, but it's about as ineffective as "just eat less" for the obese. Unless you've taken up sumo wrestling as a hobby or are attending the...

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Fitness Trackers: Are they worth it?

Fitness Trackers: Are they worth it?

Fitness trackers have come along way. Growing up, I remember the popularity of those little clip-on boxes that told people exactly how many steps they took per day. Today, it seems everyone owns a fitness tracker watch and steps are only a small part of their tracking...

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Resolution Rematch: Win this time!

Resolution Rematch: Win this time!

You’ve given up on your New Year's resolution. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, the University of Scranton found that only 8% of people actually achieve their “new year, new you”. Maybe you didn’t give it all you got. Maybe you didn’t have a plan of action....

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